Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Mere - Ring-necked Duck!!

The light was getting worse late afternoon and it was becoming more showery! Any thoughts I had on leaving Coed-y-Dinas however were accelerated with news of a drake Ring-necked Duck on the Mere at Ellesmere! (Thanks Reevesy!)  Ellesmere is not that far from Welshpool either!

I arrived at about 7.00 and the Ring-neck was in the far corner with a group of tufties, tickable but very distant! There was only one thing for it..... yomp yomp!

It was well worth it.......

Holding a range of 100m or so, occasionally a bit nearer but in decent record shot range!

Standing out from the crowd!!

But never far way from the group.....

A nice comparison shot?

Then singled out for a very short while!

One smart duck!! Initially found at Wood Lane, the ducks are moving around and it may turn up in the morning at either Whitemere, The Mere or Wood Lane?