Today it all came good! Cutting it fine though, as I had been otherwise engaged dipping a Lesser Yellowlegs at Inner Marsh Farm! All I had to show for the visit (image wise) was a distant shot of a Dingy Orangelegs!

Anyway, to cut a long story short, at 7.45pm I arrived at Gailey sailing lake - then, after an initial heart stopping moment when the assembled birders had 'lost it' - with a huge sight of relief - it had turned up again on the far bank!
In the gathering gloom then - here's Frank in all his monochrome glory, with a little dash of red on the bill!
The initial sighting.....

Drifting closer.....

A blurry wingflap before the departure which was even more blurry and impossible to contemplate posting here! It flew high and looked to be heading East to wake up and entertain the nocturnal Chasewater crew but I note from the information services he returned to Gailey at 9.15??

Given better light, I'm sure there will be some stunning shots of Frank emerging - eventually??