Thursday 23 November 2017

Polemere - Pinks

First time out since the 12th! A nasty throat virus has laid me low so simply haven't felt up to going out... As I was passing near Polemere and seeing all the Geese, I thought it was worth a quick check?

It was... a couple of Pink-feet in amongst 342 Greylags and estimated 200 Canadas which I'd lost the will to count!

Here's the first Pink on the water...

And his mate although they clearly weren't speaking!

Beans / White-fronts  next plus a smew or even better Slav Grebe for the County?

Sunday 12 November 2017

Venus Pool - Great White Egret (again!)

A quiet month so far, mostly tied up with talks and busy 'writing' ... Big thank you to Dave Chapman for getting me away from the PC with news of another (or a returning) Great White Egret!!

Yet again, it was rarely static!

Being pushed by either one of the Little Egrets...

Or of course the Heron!

So, plenty of flight shots - landing...

And take off!

Head on...

Or side on...

A return of the Cattle Egret would have been better but I'm not complaining!