Grey Seals are a fixture around the outer islands but at this time of year there is always the chance of Bottlenose Dolphins? These are believed to be the pod (or part of it) from the Moray Firth area? They delayed the boat trip 'out' but no-one was complaining :-)
I always find these 'difficult' in the extrem, you have to be one step or leap ahead and it definitely helps to keep the focal length small! These were taken with my landscape lens zoomed to 135mm.
Mother and calf , soooo cute!
And the only vague success I had with the 300mm lens was this shot of a puffin! Getting out of the way smartish!
Then it was full steam to check out the the Grey Seals.....
Now I couldn't describe the adults as being cute?
But the youngsters certainly are!
There was a surprise in store on Staple Island. I've never photographed one of these and such a shame it was quite worn! I don't think Garden Tiger is a regular on the Farnes??