Friday, 30 May 2014

Cairngorm - Snow Buntings and co....

It was a scorcher and for various reasons, I opted to take the 'easy way' this year in search of the Cairgorm specialities. Luckily, the 'walk to the top' with a guide ( who didn't mind me ignoring the 'commentary' whilst I scanned for birds) paid off with the three target species all seen!

This is Dotterel country....

And we encountered one pair - here's the female....

And erm... here's the only Ptarmigan encountered!

The views from the summit were spectacular, looking over towards Ben Macdui here...

With a couple of pairs of Snow Bunting, looking forward to scraps of food? Here's one of the females...

I'd already seen this male Snow Bunting from the viewing platform!

 But it was so much nicer to get a better angle of view up here!

Stunning in summer plumage....

I have to say the experience up the top is so much better with unrestricted time and opportunity after walking from the car park! I'll revert to that another year, but at least the walk to the top does give a better chance of the birds being seen at closer quarters than the viewing platform! You takes your pick......

I tried a late afternoon look at Findhorn valley which apart from Peregrine was unremarkable. Dippers on the way back to the hotel and post dinner evening session which produced Long-eared Owl and Short-eared Owl. Completed the day!