Another evening session with a shark fishing trip, outnumbered by fishermen once more but this was an exceptional evening nevertheless!
We headed south with the wind still 15mph westerly and whilst we only saw 3 Cory's Shearwater, the first was an obliging bird on the water!
With flight being a safe bet as we neared it!
There were 15 Great Shearwaters seen both in flight and on the water...
And then 2 Wilson's Petrel maintained the BIG 3 run, the first a really neat individual.
Support came from 20 Sooty Shearwaters...
c500 Manx Shearwaters...
And a single Arctic Skua (dark morph)!
Amazing just how good the birding can be despite the fact it wasn't a full on birders pelagic!
Richard Stonier's track for the eve...