I got the intended Gull I was after too, within 45 minutes of arrival when (all too briefly) this subadult Iceland Gull dropped in - looks to be a 3rd Winter bird with some faint brown patterning clearly still present in the coverts.

A quick wash, wingflap amd then gone....

I walked down the pool to check whether it had truly left the site and on my return, was greeted by an adult Caspian Gull!

Just this single bird in today and it lingered most of the day

Showing off it's primary finery.....

Despite shooting into the afternoon sunlight, the typical primary tip pattern showing well here with black extending to P5 and the 'tongues' - black strikingly concentrated on the outer webs

With no les than 7 species of Gull on show, Stubbers has to be one of the best locations and these two Gulls were the stars of the show!