Monday, 20 February 2017

Venus Pool - more White-fronted Geese

It's been a couple of weeks since I've been birding in the shire, ill health, trips to Belgium and all round the country with talks all took their toll.... But a report from Geoff and Graham of two Russian White-fronted Geese got me scrambled to come out of the birding doldrums...

Showing pretty well on the island in front of the memorial hide :-)

It was 4.30pm and the sun came out, lighting them up perfectly!

They don't like helicopters!

But they do seem to like posing?

And this individual seemed to be playing to the crowd (just me!)

Taking the weight off his feet, well one of them...

And then settling down for the night...

It's been quite a year on the Goose front and with milder weather and birds clearly on the move, the next few weeks might turn up some more surprises?