Saturday, 3 December 2016

Whitemere - Scaup in the hand!

A quick check of Whitemere from the sailing club side revealed at least 3 first winter Scaup on the far bank. Too far for any kind of record shot so I nipped over the far side and got chatting to the fishermen.... they had no issue with me trying to get a record shot?

I did and with darkness approaching, here's two 1st winter males (grey appearing on the back) .....

Suddenly they became quite agitated and alert

Another 1w male had been accidentally hooked by one of the fishing lines. Considering they were ledgering in 20' of water, shows how deep Scaup routinely dive for food.....

And there was a happy ending, the Scaup was returned, clearly a bit shaken but flew a bit further out..

and started feeding again!  I'm pretty sure there were at least 4 poss 5 1w Scaup from 'scope views across the Mere (as there was one obvious female with a cheek patch) but 3 definite and one as close as you will ever see one!!