The birds will follow shortly but a monumental Blue Shark was landed on Sapphire today - right up there with anything that had gone before!
The story in images....
Pete Duckett had been playing with what was clearly a bigger than average shark for what seemed like an eternity...... Just when you thought it was giving in, another long run! Judging by the sharp intake of breath from those who saw the ghostly blue shape under the water, this was clearly a monster of a shark! It was suggested we might need a bigger boat?
Eventually it was landed and then the task of tagging it began! It was initially more docile than the smaller ones we had witnessed caught!
You can see the tag adjacent to the dorsal fin and then before it went back into the water, an image opportunity? Higgo and Joe find that wresting with one of these is not an easy option!
Nearly a very close shave for Higgo and Joe managed to keep his arm intact!
Then all smiles as Pete posed (note how far back everyone kept for this one!)
Baby Jaws?
The length was measured - 98 inches in old money and with that girth at least 150lb weight.
The shark was then eased back into the sea, tagging helps us to understand more about Blue Shark movements. Lets hope this beauty doesn't end up in a bowl or oriental soup!