Friday, 17 May 2013

Venus Pool - Arctic Tern

The lull after (never mind before) the storm. One legacy appears to be yet another 'sticking' Arctic Tern! Given the light, it was difficult to get any images and  it wasn't the most automatic bird to id from photographs!

Images taken the two previous days were a bit confusing as the black bill tip coupled with an 'apparent' diffuse trailing edge to the wing gave it a 'Common' feel.....

These three images were from a consecutive burst and it's only at the extremes of the wing-beat that the 'solid' edge is convincingly apparent. The long tail streamers and translucent primaries (all of them) are there though!

The upperwing shows the classic plain grey appearance. I just love Terns as they bank with the tail feathers splayed out :-)

A 'Black' would be nice? I keep saying that......