Sunday 24 March 2013

My front drive - Starling roost

Grounded down by snow, bogged down still sorting too many images and early evening I sensed 'movement' out of the front window..... The sky was going dark too.... dogs were howling, blackbirds were alarm calling  - was it the end of the world........!!

I watched enthralled. Wait a minute,  common birds aren't supposed to be interesting are they! (Well, I must confess I'm not the slightest bit interested in the comings and goings of those bloody Canada Geese!)  Eventually, I just had to try and capture the spectacle with my wide angle lens!

You have to bear in mind, these are snapshots - a small part of a much bigger spectacle. I'm going to guesstimate at least 20,000 Starlings - the woooosh of wings, the pitter patter of droppings

It happened a few years ago when (as now) they were using the confers lining the nearby railway track as a roost.

A few of the neighbours came out too - what's going on - where have they come from - why are they doing this..... I don't really care - all I know is that it was the most amazing sight to behold - jaw dropping in fact!

Rob's gonna take a look tomorrow evening and help me to count every single one :-) Wonder if Andy's got a big enought net?