A talk to the Cork Alpine Garden group gave me a 'couple of hours' opportunity to check out the fabled Kennedy Pier at Cobh which was only a 20 minute train ride away....
My hosts were slowly having their car wing mirrors hacked away away as I left by a territorial and totally manic male Chaffinch! Always picking the spot where he could see those two other Chaffs invading his space?
The vistors board at Cobh (last port of call for the Titanic!) looked very interesting indeed! A shame it wasn't going to live up to it's reputation....
Less than 20 Gulls about and apart from Black-heads, all I had to feed was this adult Winter Common Gull.....
Everywhwere I seem to go lately, a Med Gull is never far away and Cobh was no exception - the only decent Gull of the session!
As for the House Crow which I had hoped to see, it was a no show (for me!) I did ask one or two of the locals but all I got was this long hard stare from all of them....