So, with a lunchtime finish to work, I headed North amid blue skies and storm clouds....
Hollingworth lake is at a reasonable height and it was even windier there! Nevertheless the Grebe was settled in the South-East corner and once I'd walked there from the visitor car park (it was now 2.30) there was not a breath of wind - completely sheltered by a hill and trees!!
I joined the small gallery......

The Grebe was quite mobile and spent quite a bit of time sitting in a patch of water vegetation on the far bank....

The obligatory record shot followed as it had a bit of a preen for me (another lifer too, I feel a Tunnocks teacake coming on!!)

I'd have settled for that but it then moved out into open water....

And decided to come much closer.....

MUCH closer!!

In fact TOO close!! It wstarted fishing uder the bank and out of view. It retreated occasionally and was in full view, just a matter of avoiding reeds in the way!!

The light was fading fast by now and most of the 'fish shots' were suffering from motion blur, nevertheless, a few keepers.....

What a little cracker and just look at that stonking bill with just a hint of a band present!

Unbelievably, the rain held off and the Grebe was still sat there on the far bank at dusk - dozing after consuming a rather large Perch......