Sunday 12 April 2020

On this day (April 12th 2016)... Iberian Chiffchaff at Granville Country Park!

I've already looked back to the 2017 Iberian Chiffchaff, well here's the much showier bird on 12th April 2016 (Granville Country park, Telford)

Dropped in to Granville Country Parkon the way to give a talk at Lichfield and with only about 90 mins to spare. With excellent light, I had high hopes of improving on the first day? It took the whole 90 minutes to get some decent images and the best ones came from just three brief opportunities......

Here's the first, with an annoying branch that ruined most of the burst!

The second one was somewhat 'looking up'!

But at last caught a burst of song.....

And finally preening time!

Apart from an annoying leaf, go to be happy with this :-)

Always go back......