Friday 24 January 2020

Venus Pool - Bewick's Swan up close!

A chance visit to Venus Pool demonstrated that lady luck had not deserted me yet? It was well before roost time but there was the Bewick's Swan, sitting near the willow island? And a few minutes later, as I sat smiling with Dave,  the swan was steaming over the water to the island in front of  the memorial hide! The light was terrible but a patch of dark water nearby was our only hope?

Nearly there!

Then inching onto the submerged margin...

For a stretch and a preen!

 Eventually ending up with a wing flap finale!

Here's a different camera angle!

Finally, a stern look...

And as it was so close, how about a close up?

Not a new bird for the January list of course but a Barn Owl in the headlights on 22nd eve near Church Stretton kept it inching onwards to 102...