Ospreys passing through and some good migrants turning up on the East coast signal a return to better birding! Not that I will be having any of that for a short 'while' - while the car is throwing up orange 'DO NOT DRIVE ME' warnings! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dragons and Damsels are past their best now but the 'later' species are on the wing plus a few golden oldies so I spent much of the day hawking Hawkers.....
Venus Pool kicked off with a gorgeous male Southern Hawker. He never stopped flying all the time I was watching, so it had to be flight shots! Must admit to being pleased with these......
A courting couple of Common Darters were performing outrageously!
Whilst a rather ragged male Brown Hawker was sitting on the fence.....
An aging female Black-tailed Skimmer in similar pose, (Honest - I didn't nail her to the fence!) then off to Berrington....
Quite a few Banded Demoiselles on the wing, this one playing peekaboo.
And then, the highlight of the day - the most obliging immature male Migrant Hawker! The dots along the abdomen are lilac and will mature to clear blue. Forgive a bit of overindulgence.
The portrait.....
The side view.
And getting right up close.....
sooooooo close......
The last few were real frame fillers, a magic Migrant!