Saturday, 17 July 2010

Whixall Moss - insects for a Hobby

A bit of a mixture day planned with insects the aim and promise that birds might put in an appearance?? A morning on Whixall Moss turned into a five hour grueller, searching for White-faced Darter! The conditions didn't help with showers and dull conditions but by mid afternoon a retreat was called for. Thinking back, I've only ever seen these in the past during June so an early start in 2011 is called for!

I couldn't help noticing this fantastic Pitcher plant which I remember photographing six years ago (it was big then!!) These are plants which are normally associated with glasshouse conditions but Sarracenia purpurea, the plant in question is undoubtedly hardy though and presumably planted here by someone many years ago (it's a North American native!)

Didn't see a Large Heath either and this resing Brimstone was the only butterfly of note.....

Macro lenses can reveal incredible detail - not the small hooks at the base of the legs with which the butterfly anchors itself to a supporting plant......

A few Emerald Damselflies were clinging to the vegetation - all males today and very inactive. The limit of exertion was the odd abdominal flex or two.....

Birds noted: plenty of Swifts, Green Woodpeckers, a pair of Stonechat, Meadow Pipits and Reed Bunting. A single Hobby was hawking impressively for the few dragonflies on the wing - I caught it overhead - leaving the Moss, in search of prey elsewhere.....

Later than planned, the quest continued.... Silver-studded Blue butterflies......