Monday, 26 October 2020

Titterstone Clee - Lapland Bunting

Another day, another Shropshire mega? A Lapland Bunting had been reported and photographed by Nick Skilbeck the previous day at Titterstone Clee... Problem was, the weather on arrival late morning with torrential rain to greet me! Eventually it stopped and the next hour was spent wandering around the old buildings which seemed like a sensible starting point? With three other sets of eyes there, it seemed unlikely it was still around this area, so I wandered off to try my luck elsewhere on the hill? Same old story and same old squalls to seek shelter from...

After a couple more hours, I decided to have one more walk around the buildings and almost immediately I spotted some movement out of the corner of my eye? Yessssss, you can guess what it was: a second Lapland Bunting for the county list....

I just sat down  and enjoyed the moment, which seemed to go on for ever!

Eventually feeding very close...

And then the sun came out!

And half decent backdrops helped the cause too!

A couple of  'close-ups' to finish...

Simply magic end to the day!