Been on the road quite a lot recently with talks etc and birding hasn't been possible. Not a lot happening locally anyway, a snatched couple of calls at VP at least produced this immature Garganey found by Reevsy.......
Just escaping a stomping!
By taking to open water......
Judging by the dark underside, a juvenile?
I've photographed it recently on the water , never got round to sorting the pics but for anyone interested - the Cackling Goose of unknown provenance! Branta hutchinsii minima methinks. Nice comparison with one of the big guys.....
The sun ever so briefly shone on one of two juv Ringed Plover present today.
And I even got a Kingfisher under less than optimum cloudy skies!
Mr Brightside no less, giving as couple of head turns....
And then it started to chuck it down, which didn't stop me......
I quite like rain drops :-)