Friday 23 November 2012

Chelmarsh - Great Northern Diver!!

I might have dashed from Shropshire to Lincs. for an Oriental Pratincole on one occasion but having stopped in Lincs. overnight after a plant talk, the lure of Shropshire was simply too great :-) I never thought I'd see the day I'd be dashing the opposite way!.

Especially when Martyn Owen contacted me having just found a Great North Diver and Black-necked Grebe at Chelmarsh!

Clearly a juvenile with the scaly upperparts... Apologies for the quality, the diver was always backlit but I'll settle for these :-)

Always nice to see a Diver swimming in the right direction - towards you!

The closest encounter.

Before swimming off and eventually lost to view. 'Bump' on fore-head showing particularly well!

There was also a Black-necked Grebe which was literally too far away! I mustn't forget to sort those Wrexham Waxies pics either :-)