Sunday 26 June 2011

Titterstone Clee - Scarce Blue tailed Damsel

Scarce blue-tailed Damselfy had been recorded here a few years ago and I was determined to check out the wet flushes at peak flight time, even though there had been no official reports since 2006?

There were plenty of other ‘Blues’ during a couple of hours spent searching, including Common, Azure and Blue-tailed Damselfy.

Common Blue Damselflies seen here in the 'wheel' position.....

I took one burst of an unusual female type before it disappeared and it wasn't until I was sorting through the images that I realised just what I'd got! YES - a female Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly!!

I'd vowed to get at least one new species on my list for this year - given that the time has passed for the other likely candidates, this will do nicely :-) :-) :-)