No pictures from midweek but the Shropshire list finally got a Tern included with the wonderful sight of at least 12 Common Terns on Chelmarsh Reservoir Wednesday evening. It remains predictably quiet however on the birding front so an insect mission was planned today
Catherton common was my destination but I had a quick call at Longnor bridge where I got the first Beautiful Demoiselles of the year, two males on overhanging branches beneath the bridge

I arrived at Catherton late morning – temperatures in the mid 20s already – wellies were donned and I walked the track to Cramer Gutter
Once I reached the stream, I was instantly into Keeled Skimmers, mostly mature males

With a few immatures....

And some in between!

Females too - an obliging teneral....

The high temperatures certainly didn’t put the mockers on their urge to reproduce!

My main aim was Golden-ringed Dragonfly – I’d seen one briefly fly up the stream and not return. After well over an hour on site I got an opportunity, this stunning fresh male, returned and landed briefly within range! Well happy!

A few Ringlet and Common Blue butterflies were on the wing and I’d seen one or two Fritillary on the wing, I was pretty sure these were Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary and this was proved correct when one actually stopped for a record shot of the underwing!

Another rather worn individual!

Hard to resist the stands of Sundew too!

By now the temperature was closing in on 30’C, I’d really had enough and there was one more site to visit – Titterstone Clee