Tuesday 28 December 2010

Cound - Bewick's and Whoopers

What a start to the day! Bewick's Swans have been conspicuous by their absence from the County for a number of years! Apart from Yvonne's flyover last year, it must be five years since the last report on terra firma, at Tern Hill (and I didn't get there!)

I was heading East and checking the kale field near Cound..... The 3 Whooper Swans were still there!

Something made me park up at the other end of the field to check the rest of the flock which were slightly hidden from the first gateway - there were more? - Wait a minute, these were smaller with short necks - Bewick's Swans!! Initially, I only picked out this group of 3 adults and 2 juveniles....

The count was 'upped' to 8 with these three adults....

A nice family portrait, after waiting ages for them to settle down in this pose (and having given up on the Whooper wandering off!)!

Eventually joined by all three Whoopers, a pity I couldn't fit all 11 Swans in!!

What a late Christmas present! Yet another bird for the County lists - both for this year (172) and life (203) ticks! :-) :-) :-)