Friday 28 September 2018

St Mary's airfield - Tawny Pipit

I haven't hitched a lift for... well I won't say how many years but with a Tawny Pipit showing 'well' in a small field by the terminal and coming closer. I stuck out my thumb out to the first van I saw by the Health Centre. What a great guy... 'Dougie' took me all the way there but just as I was raising my bins to the bird... it flew!! Best not repeat what I said but all was not lost as it returned 10 minutes later :-)

The field with Scillonian in the distance...

The Tawny Pipit!

Quite distinctive with the sandy plumage standing out like a beacon amongst the Meadow Pipits!

The closest approach and starting to become a bit wary!

Before retreating and then eventally flying as another Helicopter landed!

 Walking through Old Town, I was reminded that if you park a bike against a wall covered in vegetation, you might not find it when you come back! It must grow at an amazing rate!