Friday, 9 April 2010

Venus Pool - OSPREY!!

There are some birds which no matter how many times I see them, draw me like a magnet! Persistence paid off too after doing the 'Osprey hour' four evenings at VP this week! What a moment too. I was chatting to a guy (Pat) who watches VP regularly and he casually asked me.....

(It was 6.25pm, some birders are on the reserve, they think it's all over ......)

.....if I'd seen an Osprey this year? It was one of those Wolstenholmesque moments!

I looked up and even before I had time to say 'no', it was a case of "I have now!!" Bloody Hell, or something like that...

Ever closer and eventually down the middle of VP in front of the hide!

This was an experienced bird! There would be no messing about - another circle over the pool and fishery and then it was down to business.....

No dramatic dive from height. Just a casual stepped hover - here are the two stages....

The splash and take off were a momentous blur in the gloom of the pool.

A medium sized Roach for supper....

Finally, against better light as it departed, a decent shot I'm more than happy with!

Oh well, Lucky Jim proving that timing and persistence pays off!

Not long after, six gorgeous Yellow Wagtails dropped in too! A record shot of three of them....

If past experience is anything to go by - there was a good chance of a repeat performance first thing in the morning. Check back to see what happened......