Sunday, 11 April 2010


Venus Pool lifers are memorable events for me, they just don't happen very often....!

With really memorable events, you always remember where you were? Like when JFK got shot for example (showing my age now) - I was in a fish and chip shop actually! Reckon I'll always remember where I was when a Marsh Harrier turned up at VP - LOL !!

Anyway, I wasn't in a fish and chip shop, it was the Memorial hide and that wasn't the Osprey sneaking back low over the North Marsh! It wasn't a Buzzard or Red Kite either - the brain went into overdrive with the realisation female 'MARSH HARRIER'!

The amazing thing was, instead of doing the quick flyover that scarce raptors do - it cruised backwards and forwards, hunting over the far reed bed.....

This Harrier was clearly hungry and after a couple of missed attempts, it clearly spotted something tasty?

Eventually, after sitting down with whatever it had just caught for 5 mins - it departed - back the way it came over the Northern plantation, mobbed by corvids......

The Osprey had been impressive once again but absolutely no doubt which bird stole the show - the Marshie moment 20 mins or so long - appropriately, a Tunnocks teacake followed to celebrate!