Wednesday 9 December 2020

Black Knoll - Snow Bunting

I always try to get to every scarce bird in Shropshire, some are easy... some are difficult! The prospect of climbing to the summit of Black Knoll in near freezing conditions for a Snow Bunting didn't exactly fill me with enthusiasm (I must have taken a few thousand images over the years!) but this is Shropshire and not an everyday bird! To give credit where due the bird was found by insect guru Nigel Jones earlier in the week, a refreshing change from Diptera!

I'd just parked up at 'Base Camp' at the Southern end of the Long Mynd and whilst getting my gear ready noticed a familiar car approaching... it was Rob Stokes! Been a while but we teamed up and kept each other going!

We were nearly at the summit and at roughly the same spot John Martin connected the previous day, and split up to check the nearby paths. 30 seconds later "I've got it Jim" came the call. Yep, he certainly had and it wasn't long before a half used card was full (here's the highlights)

As ever, a confiding bird provided you just sat still and waited...

Even taking a bow...

Card no 2 was more of the same but trying for cleaner backgrounds or something 'different'?

Tiny seeds but puffed up and looking as if he ate all the pies!

With the light getting worse and hands frozen, a worthwhile finish with a classic pose!

Shropshire Snow Bunting No. 3 for me. The cold was soon forgotten as we made our way back to the cars!