Tuesday 31 July 2012

Colemere - Common Terns

The North Shropshire Meres are always worth a check when everywhere else is quiet as I dragged myself out for the first local birding in nearly a month! A Dunlin at Wood Lane plus a couple of Common Sandpipers were all the waders on offer and a surprise was in store at Colemere where three Common Terns were present......

It was raining and pretty gloomy reflective water which didn't exactly help as they flew quite close to the bank!

The only ray of hope was capturing them higher in flight with the trees on the far bank provifding the backdrop-.....

Eventually I got some shots worth keeping.......

They were constantly calling to each other......

And eventually, it brightened up a little - a banking manoeuvre gave the best opportunity of the session!

Somehow, my back stood up to the test (300mm lens only) . I could nearly be back in business ?