Sunday 13 December 2009

Mumbles - Meds galore!!

A significant and spectacular increase in the numbers of Northern European Mediterranean Gulls has led to some very welcome 'UK hotspots' for the overwintering population. One such area is the Mumbles, west of Swansea and in particular - Bracelet Bay. Jim had escaped from the confines of a steamy Swansea swimming pool to spend an hour or two in the company of at least 24 (undoubtedly double this in the area) Mediterranean Gulls of various ages.....

Thanks to ringing studies, the birds here are known to regularly travel here from Belgium, Netherlands and countries farther east with a Serbian bird being recorded this year!

One white colour ringed bird 38J0 (seen below) is a regular visitor, commuting between Belgium and Swansea....

Another great opportunity to get some great views of birds which are never 'easy' in Shropshire. Going through the stages of development (different birds featured) in Winter plumage both posing and in flight....

First winter:

Second Winter:


A golden opportunuity for some close up drinking shots too ....

and then, the 'droplet' shot, I quite like this one!

Lots more I haven't looked at..... (yet)