Saturday 18 January 2020

Bury Ditches - Crossbills

Teamed up with Dave Chapman for a trip to Bury Ditches today with Crossbill and / or Goshawk in mind? We were up for the long haul if necessary! The latter failed to show but no problems with Common Crossbills, at least 15, often distant but a few opportunities to see them a bit closer came our way...

Females first which seemed totally preoccupied with Larch cones!

 And eventually a male perched up nicely!

The closest views were had unexpectedly whilst walking back to the car! A pair were interacting in a large tree, oblivious to our gaze. Although getting a clear view of them was nigh on impossible through the branches!!

Here's the male and a cracking finale!

That's the century up then and I can relax for the rest of the month? We shall see...