My route to Norfolk was led into temptation by the thought of a Red-flanked Bluetail at Minsmere! One classic diversion later, it was Suffolk here I come - spirits dampened firstly by a horrendous journey along the A14 (nearly 5 hours) followed by - yes you've guessed it - dip time!!
I gave the Bluetail a decent chance though (at least two
Firecrest were a little compensation) but when I emerged from the sluice bushes into the daylight, eyes blinking, a couple of hours later, I definitely needed a change of scenery!
There was a plan B finale and by late afternoon, I was 30 odd miles further south at Felixstowe Ferry! I arrived at the golf course.....

..... made my was along the sea wall between the Martello towers and bumped into a fellow birder with a gut wrenching update on the Shore Lark - "its's just flown"!!
What is going on??? Please no, not a double dip!
At least there was an obliging
Snow Bunting on the fairway (I've been waiting to say this) - a birdie on the 16th then!
In between obliging and then not so obliging golfers, a few shots were taken, digital that is. This is where No 1 driver would come in handy I suppose (if only to avoid the unwanted attention we were now attracting or take on the Neanderthals!) Reactions varied from "sure, take a picture!" to "this is private land - get ORF". It isn't /wasn't private land at all - just a plain dangerous place to wander!

I don't know what made me glance up the 15th fairway but so glad I did - I was just about to have a birdie on the 15th as well - playing the course backwards!!
Brilliant - the
Shore Lark was back! By now the golfers were disappearing as fast as the light so I settled myself in the nearby rough and waited - sure enough - thye Shore Lark moved closer to join the Snow Bunting!

Finally, the two little stunners feeding happily together in the gathering gloom

Satnav time and with Sheringham 80 odd miles away, the drive wasn't quite finished yet - it was well worth the extra little bit though......