A new toy to try too - Satnav! So I keyed in 'Caspian Gull' - take me to the nearest one? Do you know what, I ended up North of Walsall at a place called Stubbers Green, got out of the car and within a few minutes - hey presto.....
It was still foggy though and most of the images look like they've been taken through the car window (they haven't) but best I've ever managed of this Gull so far!
Classic features immediately obvious: white distinctly sloping head, that blackish beady eye, long parallel sided bill and long legs - even through the fog!!

A third Winter bird - tail and primary coverts still darkly marked, as seen in these flight pictures.

A brief flight across the road and a chance to see the bird on the water in slightly better light.

Head shape is influenced by the attitude and position of the gull - a single photograph never tells the full story!

Plenty of other Gulls on view, including Common Gulls - an adult....

Plus a first winter bird....

The least said about the rest of the afternoon, the better! Two hours spent at Attenborough pits and a 'disappeared' Penduline Tit - well, one out of two can't be bad! 248 and two to go.......