The Cemlyn bay Tern colony is still going strong despite the disastrous weather 'wipe out' of 2007 but numbers certainly appeared to be down on recent years. Predominantly Common and Sandwich with a few Arctic present. I concentrated on the Common Terns, some of which were fishing within 100m of the shore

Catching the moment - leaving the water, hopefully with a fish, requires patience, lots of attempts and that touch of luck! The birds were too far away for anything other than a 500mm lens so focussing was not too snappy. I never did get the shot I wanted and the fish were deperately small. Oh well, I will have to try again.......

Few waders were about - Dunlin, Ringed Plover and one of several Turnstone seen here - guess what, they were turning stones!!

The seabird colony at South Stack is certainly alive and well, large numbers of Guillemot, Razorbill, Gulls, Kittiwake and Fulmar plus a Puffin or two. Gannet and Manx Shearwater out at sea.....

Choughs paused briefly from practising their acrobatic manouevres overhead......

Whitethroat were busy defending their territory against the marauding Magpies, shame I couldn't get the out of focus Red Campion to give a complete backdrop......